… NPL3&Hypnosis part

Hypnosis is located at the point
In which all levels of physiological and psychological
Organization come together,
And when they are appreciated for their true value,
they become a highly important tool for study of sleep and awakening
as well as the constant interaction among the normal, the neurotic and psychotic.

KUBIE (Arch. gèn. psychiat., 1961, 4, p. 53


Hypnosis Is derived from the greek word and means sleep. It is an intermediate level between sleep and awakening, a natural state which takes over, when our mind is internally concentrated and focused.  For example, when one is so  absorbed in a good book as to lose track of time, or to drive home from work and not even realise it.

Induced hypnotism acts in a state of deep relaxation, involving both physical and psychological dimensions. This means that the natural defensive  mechanisms of the conscious mind, which contains analyzed judgment and information, diminishes, softening, the critical and judgmental part, thus permitting a lighter and more harmonic communication with ourself, container of our most intimate and real thoughts, memories, images and emotions, which can silently induce the person towards suffering symptoms like phobias, depression, panic attacks, etc …

This experience develops an altered state of consciousness, increasing potentialities. It allows for the modification of our dysfunctional and suffering reactions, permitting a state of wellbeing and a change in perception of our mental and sensory interior word, about which the person really wants to question himself such a technique is employed in therapy as an efficacious support in psychotherapeutic treatment, as opposed to psychic  distress, as long as there is an initial agreement between patient and therapist regarding the use of hypnosis itself. Only through this can the person feel that his or her personal identity and needs are taken into account .

NLP ( Neuro- Linguistic -Programming)

Programming: according to experts, we possess closed programs in our mind and these programs can be modified.

Neuro: these programs are organized so as to become neuronal configurations

Linguistic: language forms a part of our communication system with others, and it is possible to extract the limitations which are obstacles to the achievement of our objectives by means of languages of precision.

As affirmed by Dr. Marco Paret ( creator of NLP3), NLP is a neuroscience which studies the understanding of communication thanks to techniques which interpret the software of the human mind, in order to discover whether the  present objective of a subject coincides with or is in contrast with his or her deepest parts.

In the case where the person moves away from what he or she really wants to be, NLP acts upon the unconscious, generating a change which leads to the realization of the real objectives that the person wishes to obtain, improving the quality of life, working on  structures.

However, it has to be said that from a quantum point of view, where reality is both multi-cause and multi-effect, classic NLP has its limitations, being deterministic, based on the decomposition of language and behavior, supposing that a completely rational way to act upon communication and the person exists.

The fact is that our mind is irrational, too, and a totally rational approach is insufficient. This is why NLP3 was born, aimed at preserving the positive aspects of classic NLP, but taking into account the quantum reality of our universe, that is to say that, nobody can ever be put into a box given that reality is unrecognizable, by the use of our conscious mind alone, constant access to our unconscious mind and its powers of communication must be developed; for this reason it is important to know How to make our mind work well.

NLP3, over and above making use of classic NLP, creates the combination of quantum methods which take into account the power of the unconscious. Enneagram, non verbal communications and hypnosis, are all included in NLP3.

For this reason, NLP3 has been created.